Tuesday, December 31, 2019
French Audio Dictionary K, L, M N
Boostà your French vocabulary by studying commonà words in the language starting with letters K, L, M and N. Listen to the pronunciation of these words and practice using them in context. French Words That Start With K K the letter K French alphabet kascher (also spelled casher, cascher) (invariable adj) - kosher MdJ - K un kpi kepi (sturdy hat with a flat, raised, circular top and a visor, worn by French military and police) MdJ - K la kermesse fair, bazaar MdJ - K kif-kif / kifkif (fam adj) - (all the) same MdJ - K un kilo de kilogram Q + M un kilogramme de kilo Q + M un kilometre le kiosque newsstand Shopping klaxonner to honk/beep/toot ones horn MdJ - K French Words That Start With L L the letter L French alphabet lche (adj) - cowardly Personality lcher to loosen, to let go of, release; (inf) - to leave MdJ - L une lacune gap, blank, deficiency, lack MdJ - L Laetitia Latitia French names laid (adj) - ugly Descriptions laisser un message to leave a message On the phone le lait milk Drinks la laiterie dairy Shopping la laitue lettuce Vegetables la ligne est occupee une lampe lamp Furniture lancer to throw, launch MdJ - L le lapin rabbit Meat larv (adj) - latent, below the surface MdJ - L la saint valentin lasser to tire, weary MdJ - L Laure Laura French names Laurence French names Laurent Laurence French names un lavabo sink Furniture se laver to wash Toiletries le la lecture reading Hobbies un lgume vegetable Vegetables le lendemain the next day, day after; future MdJ - L les lendemains consequences MdJ - L Lon Leon, Leo French names les les amis les anciens eleves les animaux sont interdits les nombres le temps leurrer to deceive, delude, lure MdJ - L la lvre lip Body lheure licencier to make redundant, lay off MdJ - L La ligne est occupe The line is busy. On the phone ligoter to bind, tie MdJ - L la lime ongles nail file Toiletries la limite if pushed, at most, ultimately, in a pinch... MdJ - L liquide un lit bed Furniture un litre de liter Q + M livraison un livre book School une livre pound Q + M des livres utiles some useful books Optional liaisons local le logement lodging, accommodations Accommodations le logiciel software (program) MdJ - L loin (de) far (from) Directions le lolo milk Baby talk long (adj) - long Descriptions le long length, long way, lengthwise MdJ - L Lorraine Lorraine French names louable commendable, laudable MdJ - L louche (adj) shady, shifty, seedy, dubious MdJ - L loufoque (inf adj) - wild, crazy MdJ - L Louis Louis, Lewis French names Louise Louise French names loup louper (fam) - to miss, mess up, flunk MdJ - L lourd (adj) - heavy Weather lu Luc Luke French names Lucas Lucas French names Luce Lucy French names Lucie Lucy French names ludique (adj) playful, recreational MdJ - L lugubre (adj) - gloomy, dismal MdJ - L lundi Monday Calendar lune la lune de miel honeymoon (literally and fig) MdJ - L des lunettes (f) glasses Accessories des lunettes de soleil (f) sunglasses Accessories la lutte fight, conflict, wrestling MdJ - L un lyce high school School French Words That Start With M M the letter M French alphabet un machin thingie, whatsit, contraption MdJ - M machine une machine calculer adding machine Office une machine crire typewriter Office machoire Madame Maam, Mrs. Politeness Madeleine Madeline French names Mademoiselle Miss Politeness un magasin store Shopping un magasin de confection clothing store Shopping maghreb (adj) - North African MdJ - M le Maghreb North Africa MdJ - M un Maghreb North African person MdJ - M un magntoscope VCR / video cassette recorder MdJ - M mai May Calendar un maillot (de bain) bathing suit Clothing un maillot de corps undershirt Mens clothing la main hand Body maint (adj) - many, a lot, much MdJ - M mairie town/city hall; town/city council; mayors office MdJ - M le mas corn Vegetables mais enfin but finally Optional liaisons la maison house Home matriser to control, overcome, suppress; to master MdJ - M malade mal aux dents la mal-bouffe (fam) unhealthy eating, junk food MdJ - M mal de mer mal de transports un malentendu misunderstanding MdJ - M un malfrat (inf) - thug, crook, truant MdJ - M malin (inf adj) - shrewd, cunning MdJ - M un malin crafty or clever person MdJ - M la mammy granny Baby talk un mandat mandate; postal/money order MdJ - M mangeons manger to eat Food Manon French names un manteau coat Clothing le maquillage make-up Toiletries maquiller to fake, doctor MdJ - M se maquiller to put on make-up Toiletries Marc Mark, Marcus French names Marcel Marcel French names Marcelle French names le march outdoor market Shopping mardi Tuesday Calendar Margaux Margot French names Margot Maggie French names Marguerite Margaret French names un mari husband Family le mariage marriage, wedding Love language Marianne symbol of France MdJ - M Marie Marie, Mary French names Marine (navy, seascape) French names mark Marocain(e) Moroccan Lang + Nat maroquin (m) leather MdJ - M marrant (inf adj) - funny, odd MdJ - M marron brown Colors mars March Calendar Marthe Martha French names Martin Martin French names Martine French names Maryse French names le mascara mascara Toiletries masser to assemble, gather together; massage MdJ - M un matelas mattress; reserve, cushion MdJ - M Mathilde Mathilda French names Matthieu Matthew French names maudit (inf adj) - darned, blasted, hateful; (literary) - accursed MdJ - M Maurice Morris French names maussade (adj) - sullen, gloomy, morose MdJ - M mauvais (adj) - bad weather Weather la mayonnaise mayonnaise Food un mec (fam) - dude, bloke MdJ - M un mcanicien mechanic Professions un mcne patron (of artists or writers) MdJ - M mchant (adj) - mean Personality une mche wick, fuse; lock of hair; streak; (medicine) pack, dressing MdJ - M un mdecin doctor Professions Mdoc mduser to dumbfound, paralyze, stupefy MdJ - M la mfiance mistrust, distrust, suspicion MdJ - M se mfier to distrust, be careful about MdJ - M mgoter (inf) - to skimp MdJ - M mler to mix, mingle, blend, combine, muddle MdJ - M la mm granny Baby talk une mmre (inf) - granny, grandma; fat elderly woman MdJ - M la menotte hand Baby talk le menu fixed-price meal Restaurant merci thank you Politeness merci beaucoup thank you very much Politeness merci bien thank you very much Politeness mercredi Wednesday Calendar mercure une mre mother Family Merlot merveilleux wonderful marvelous Bon synonyms mes lves my students Liaisons la mto weather forecast MdJ - M meteore un mtier job, trade, occupation, craft, skill, experience MdJ - M le mtrage length, measurement, yardage MdJ - M le mtro subway Transportation un mets dish of food MdJ - M mettre les pieds dans le plat un meuble piece of furniture Furniture Mexicain(e) Mexican Lang + Nat miam-miam (interjection) - yum yum, yummy Baby talk Michel Michael French names Michle Michelle French names midi noon Telling time la mie the soft part of bread MdJ - M mignon (adj) - cute, dainty MdJ - M un mignon darling, cutie MdJ - M mijoter to simmer; (inf) - to plot, hatch, cook up MdJ - M mille 1,000 Numbers un mille mile Q + M mille fois merci bless you! (thank you so much) Politeness un milliard a billion Numbers un million 1,000,000 Numbers minable (adj) - shabby, seedy, mediocre MdJ - M mince (adj) - thin, meager; (inf interj) - Darn it!, Wow! MdJ - M un minet (inf, baby talk) - kitty; (term of affection) - pet, sweetie-pie MdJ - M une minijupe miniskirt Womens clothing minorer (finance) to cut, reduce; to underestimate; to play down, minimize MdJ - M minuit midnight Telling time miraud les mirettes (inf, plural fem) - eyes, peepers MdJ - M un miroir mirror Furniture mission mitige (figurative adj) lukewarm, half-hearted MdJ - M un mobile cell phone Office mobiliser to call up, mobilize, raise MdJ - M moche (inf adj) - ugly, mean MdJ - M modique (adj) modest (only used with money) MdJ - M moelleux (adj) soft, mellow, tender, moist, sweet MdJ - M moindre (adj) - lesser, lower MdJ - M le moindre least, the slightest MdJ - M moins le quart quarter of/to Telling time les mois de lanne months of the year Calendar moitie molaire mollo (fam adv) - easy (in attitude) MdJ - M une mme (inf) - kid, brat, chick MdJ - M un/une mme young homosexual MdJ - M Monique Monica French names monnaie Monsieur Sir, Mr. Politeness un montant post, upright, jamb; total, sum MdJ - M une montre watch Jewelry une moquette carpet Furniture mordiller to nibble, chew on MdJ - M mordre to bite (literal and fig) MdJ - M une moto motorbike Driving mou (adj) - soft, limp MdJ - M un mouchoir handkerchief Accessories des moufles (f) mittens Accessories mouiller to wet, drench, water; (fam) - to drag into, to mix up in MdJ - M la mouise (fam) - poverty, hard times MdJ - M un moule mold (for shaping something) MdJ - M une moule mussel; (inf) - idiot MdJ - M le mousse au chocolat chocolate mousse Dessert la moutarde mustard Food un mouton sheep, sheepskin, mutton; white caps; stool pigeon MdJ - M la mouture milling, grinding, grounds; draft, rehashing MdJ - M mouvement (adj) eventful, turbulent, rough MdJ - M moyen mu muer to molt, shed; (voice) to break, change MdJ - M un mur wall Furniture une mre blackberry Fruit Muscat le muse museum Directions la musique music MdJ - M muter to transfer MdJ - M une myrtille blueberry Fruit French Words That Start With N N the letter N French alphabet naf (adj) - naive Personality naine une nana (informal) woman, chick, girlfriend MdJ - N narguer to flout, scoff at, deride, turn up ones nose at MdJ - N la natation swimming Hobbies Nath (short for Nathalie) French names Nathalie Nathalie French names nature (adj) - plain MdJ - N une navette shuttle service, commute MdJ - N navr (adj) - extremely sorry, sympathetic MdJ - N nanmoins (adv) - nevertheless, yet MdJ - N ncessairement (adv) - necessarily, automatically, inevitably MdJ - N Nerlandais(e), lenerlandais Dutch Lang + Nat neige neptune Ne quittez pas. Please hold. On the phone un nerf (anatomy) - nerve MdJ - N nerveux (adj) - nervous Mood net (adj) - clean, neat, clear MdJ - N neuf 9 Numbers un neveu nephew Family le nez nose Body nez qui coule Nicolas Nicholas French names Nicole Nicole French names une nice niece Family un niveau level, standard MdJ - N les noces wedding Love language nocif (adj) noxious, harmful MdJ - N Nol Christmas French names Nomi Naomi French names un nud papillon bow tie Mens clothing noir black Colors noisette (adj) - hazel Descriptions les nombres numbers Numbers nombriliste iinf adj) - self-centered MdJ - N non no Basic vocab nord north Directions normal (adj) - normal, usual, standard, natural MdJ - N normalement (adv) normally, if all goes as expected MdJ - N le nounours teddy bear Baby talk la nourriture food Food nous we Subject pronouns Nous en avons We have some Liaisons Nous sommes.... Today is..., We are... Dates novembre November Calendar novocaine noyer nu nuageux (adj) - cloudy Weather la nuit night MdJ - N la nuite (tourism industry) night MdJ - N nul (adj) - no, useless, hopeless (pronoun) - no one MdJ - N un numro number, issue (of a periodical) MdJ - N un numro de tlphone phone number On the phone nunuche (inf adj) - namby-pamby, insipid, silly MdJ - N un/e nunuche (inf) - ninny MdJ - N la nuque nape of the neck MdJ - N
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